
Wednesday, 11 July 2012


Well I have been really rubbish at keeping my blog up to date so I thought that I will start anew - clear all my old posts away - and FINALLY keep my ramblings up to date on my blog. I have had a few new things happen over the last 6 months or so, and I have a Lot of random thoughts that go through my head so whats better than to put it in my new(ish) blog pages!
Even if it is just me who reads it!

So let me start off with introducing myself!

I'm Lisa, 32 years old (eek) married to a gorgeous man, Mr B and we have 2 beautiful children - R (who is 5) and E - 3 going on 15.

We all live in a modest little house near Southampton, where I am starting to finally make it my own and getting it decorated how I like it :).
So there will be lots of posts about what I am doing and ideas I have got for decorating as well as my rambles and lifes goings on!!


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